Solving delivery problems

  • Order hasn't shipped yet: If you're expecting the package today and don't see a status update, that's normal. Depending on the carrier, items may ship the same day they're delivered.
  • Order is delayed: Things like weather and traffice can cause delivery delays. Most late parcels arrive within 48 hours of the estimatited delivery date. If the order has already been shipped, you can't cancel it.
  • Missing package: If your package shows as delivered but you haven't received it. Following this step, if your package show as delivered but you can't find it, check your shipping address, look for delivery notices, search around the delivery location, and ask household members or neighbors. Wait 48 hours, as packages may be scanned early. If still missing, contact the seller or BagZag customer service within 30 days for assistance.
  • Missing items: If you received a package that's missing an item, it may have been shipped separately. Check your orders, then go to following this step below.

Find a mssing item.

Go to your orders and check if the missing is in another shipment.

Select Track Order to find the delivery date for the shipment.

If there is no tracking information for the missing item, customer service will assist you.



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