I haven't received my item
All purchases made through the BagZag are covered by Buyer Protection. We will ensure you get a full refund, if you don't receive your item - whether you get that through your PayPal dispute or our internal BagZag Payments process.
What should I do next?
If you haven't done so already, make sure you follow these steps to get some more information on your purchase and it’s shipment:
Start a conversation - Try messaging the Seller to ask for an update
Check the tracking number on your receipt to see the status of your order or ask the seller for proof of shipment
If you try the above but then haven't heard back or have been waiting over 7 days, you can then report this in-app.
We think it’s fair to give sellers 7 days to get your item packed up and shipped out to you, before we reach out.
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