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In order to enhance your internet experience and to make the sharing of content easier, some of the pages on our website may contain tools or applications that are linked to third party social media service providers such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+. Through these tools or applications the social media service provider may set its own cookies on your device. We do not control these cookies and you should check the social media service provider’s website for further details about how they use cookies.
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We will give you a full refund if your item never ships or does not match the listing description. Otherwise, all sales are final. The policies and systems we have in place to protect you are called BagZag Protect.
When you make a purchase on BagZag, we don't release payment to the seller until you tell us you've received your order as described. You have 3 days after delivery to inform us if the item has been misrepresented by reporting the problem in the BagZag app or website with supporting photos. If we verify your claim, we'll send you a label to return the order to the seller and refund your payment. All returns must be shipped back within 5 days of approval to be eligible for a refund.
If any of the following pertain to your order, please report the problem in the BagZag app or website immediately:
If no claim is made within 3 days of delivery, payment will be automatically released to the seller. Once payment has been released, all sales are final and no refunds will be provided.
If the item is just not your style or does not fit you, we unfortunately cannot accept a return. You can always re-list the item on BagZag!
BagZag Protect does not cover trades or transactions completed off of the BagZag platform. When payment for the full value of items is not exchanged through the BagZag platform, we cannot guarantee that both parties will ship and transact as promised. You bear all risks associated with any such transactions.